Saturday, May 29, 2010


Modern day news has transformed the way we access and interpret the world around us. With news corporations continually covering the same monotonous stories with an eerily similar angle, it is difficult to be an objective thinker among the clutter. For several years now I have tried my best not to be overly influenced by the news stories and "professional" opinions I find myself surrounded by. Rather, I try to filter the critical and empirical information presented by the news to make better assessments of the future, beyond just the headlines of today and tomorrow. Each day I philosophize more and more about the world in which we live, and I find myself uncovering major issues that never make it into the dinner-time conversation. This weblog is my release, a way for me to express my thoughts on our global economic system and where we are headed. I aim to take advantage of the foreshadowings of today that shine light on the events of tomorrow. For as long as I have been interested in the economy, I have been making predictions about the future. As of recently, my predictions seem to have some merit so I have decided to finally keep a record of my thoughts. Since this blog is primarily based on my opinions and what I see around me, I welcome you to comment and make critical analyses on my thoughts and I hope that this will help me improve on my shortcomings and make more complete judgements going forward. Enjoy!

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