Sadly, Toyota was our company of choice for a presentation we had to do in university on Total Quality Management. I can now see we were producing almost as much BS as Toyota.
Ok so I haven't died, I am just wayyyy to busy lately. Between work, LSAT, girlfriend, picking people up from work, and having a life... I've been hard-pressed to find time to write blog entries. I literally have pages of ideas and notes but haven't found ample free time to write some quality posts... but this week, I promise!
Sorry I haven't posted in some time, I've been kept busy with work and studying for the LSAT. After hearing Obama's spectacular speech on Wednesday talking about the importance of a competitive export industry, I thought this would be a good article to share considering it focuses on the same underlying issue. You may notice a few similarities to my earlier post in regards to the U.S. / China dichotomy. Its a long read, but well worth it...